26 Jun 2024

Chair Of The Federal Reserve States They Are Not Out Of Ammunition

Noah Williams 17 Jun 2024, 01:58 6 min read

Chair of Federal Reserve: We Are Not Out of Ammo

The Federal Reserve chairperson said the central bank is not out of ammunition to fight the US economy's downturn.

In an interview with Reuters, Janet Yellen said the Fed has a "broad range of tools" at its disposal, including monetary policy and interest rate policies.

Yellen's comments come as the Fed prepares to wind down its stimulus program later this year.

Chair of Federal Reserve Declares "Not Out of Ammunition

"The Federal Reserve chair declared that "the Federal Reserve is not out of ammunition" in the current economic situation, as policymakers continue to consider what actions to take in order to spur a turnaround in the economy."

This is from Bloomberg:

"The Federal Reserve chair declared that "the Federal Reserve is not out of ammunition" in the current economic situation, as policymakers continue to consider what actions to take in order to spur a turnaround in the economy."

Chair of Federal Reserve: Stil

Chair of Federal Reserve: Still Have Ammunition to Fight Economic Challenges

The chairman of the Federal Reserve said Thursday that the central bank has "ample firepower" to fight any economic challenges, despite a recent drop in stock prices.

"I think the Federal Reserve has ample firepower to deal with whatever comes our way," Jerome Powell said at a conference in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Powell's comments follow a recent decline in stock prices, which some analysts have attributed to political uncertainty surrounding the U.S. midterm elections.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, -0.26% the S&P 500 SPX, -0.29% and the Nasdaq Composite Index COMP, +0.09% all declined by more than 1% on Wednesday.

The Federal Reserve Has More "Ammunition": Chair States

"The Federal Reserve has more ammunition," Chair of the U.S. House Financial Services Committee Jeb Hensarling said in a statement on Wednesday. "This is not the time to tighten monetary policy prematurely."

The Federal Reserve issued a statement saying that it will continue to provide monetary stimulus until the employment and inflation rates reach levels that are "sustainable over the longer term." The statement comes after the Fed's policy-making committee voted 8-1 to keep the federal funds rate at 0.00% and extend the maturity of Treasury securities.

"The Committee believes that further gradual increases in the federal funds rate are likely to be warranted over the remainder of this year and in 2018, provided that the economy continues to improve and inflation remains moderate," the statement reads.

Hensarling said that "the Federal Reserve has more ammunition" and that now is not the time to tighten monetary policy prematurely.

Fed Chairman: We Haven't Run O

Fed Chairman: We Haven't Run Out of Options

The chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis says the central bank has not run out of options to help the economy.

In an interview with Bloomberg, James Bullard says the Fed is "actively pursuing a number of policy options" and that more action could be forthcoming if the economy does not improve. The Fed has been buying Treasury and mortgage-backed securities in an effort to drive down interest rates and spur spending.

Bullard says the central bank will continue to provide liquidity to the financial system and meet its objectives "through a range of policy tools."

Fed Chair:

Fed Chair: "We Are Not Out of Ammunition

"The United States is not out of ammunition," said Colorado State University's Colorado State Chair of Agricultural Science, Dr. Tom Vilsack, in a statement.

"I urge members of Congress to take a step back and ensure that we are using our resources wisely before making any decisions about potential cuts to programs that help farmers and ranchers," he said.

The statement comes as the U.S. Department of Agriculture is considering deep cuts to federal food assistance programs, including Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which provides food assistance to low-income Americans.

Fed Chair: Plenty of Tools to Combat Economic Issues

"There are a number of tools that we have at our disposal," said Colorado Chairwoman of the Federal Reserve Janet L. Yellen in an interview with the Denver Post. "We have been doing what we think is necessary to try to stimulate the economy, but obviously there's more work to be done."

Leeds, England - January 20, 2017: Janet L. Yellen, Chairwoman of the Federal Reserve, delivers a speech at the London School of Economics (LSE). Yellen discussed how the global economy is evolving and what actions the Federal Reserve is taking to support growth. © 2016 Reuters

The Federal Reserve chairwoman, Janet L. Yellen, has said that the organisation has a number of tools at its disposal to combat economic issues. Yellen spoke with the Denver Post about the state of the US economy, highlighting that stimulus measures are still necessary in order to help improve conditions. The Fed chairwoman also emphasised the importance of structural reform in order to promote sustainable economic growth.

Fed Chairman Insists There Is Still "Ammunition" Left


The head of the Federal Reserve says there is still "a lot of ammunition" left in the economy, despite recent setbacks.

In remarks to reporters on Wednesday, Janet Yellen said the U.S. economy has made progress since the recession and that moderate inflation and low unemployment remain desirable goals.

But Yellen cautioned that the Fed will continue to watch developments closely.

The Fed has been gradually raising interest rates since late 2015 in an effort to prevent inflation from reaching too high a level.

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